Download The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross
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The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross
Download The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross
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About the Author
Joe Cross' personal story of transformation was chronicled in the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, which has been seen by more than 20 million people worldwide. The incredible response to screenings of the film inspired Joe to create Reboot with Joe, making the tools, information and support available to enable anyone to reclaim their wellbeing. His second film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 charts the next stage of Joe's journey of health. He is the author of The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet and The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book, and spends time between Australia and the US, always with a juice in hand.
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Product details
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Hodder (January 1, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781444788341
ISBN-13: 978-1444788341
ASIN: 1444788345
Product Dimensions:
5.1 x 0.9 x 7.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.1 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
944 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#241,648 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I did a modified juice fast last summer. It helped me lose 15 pounds; however, I used chia smoothies in the morning along with the juice and a salad in the evening. The problem with juice is that you have to spend so much time shopping for fresh stuff and then prepping it. I used a masticating juicer so that may have been the source of the slowness. Also some of the juices just are not to my taste. I guess if you're a millionaire Australian stockbroker with time on your hands it would be great.
I'm a few weeks short of my 43rd birthday when I decided to take care of myself. I'm not extremely obese, I was overweight. I'm beginning to feel the effects of aging and I didn't even have a lot of chronic diseases, just knee arthritis. But I was already not sleeping well at night, lack of energy, some gastrointestinal issues (reflux and constipation). I used to be at the Y at 5am in an exercise class. I'm not new to fitness, and for taking care of myself with good lifestyle habits, but for some reason, I can't get back to my old self when I decided to loose weight. I've learned about juicing and Joe Cross as I've been researching about lifestyle changes. I decided to do the 10 day juicing plan. It was a lot of work at first, because the effects are all so worth it. I'm happy to report that my cholesterol had dropped from 205 to 148, just doing the 1-2 juices after the 10 day plan, and I am only on the 2nd month! I've been sleeping uninterrupted at night, I have so much energy. I have less arthritic knee pain, and I found another exercise that I love: swimming! I used to not like swimming because I get out of breath when only being halfway through the lane, but now I've been swimming laps. I get the exercise that I need without the pounding on my knees and without the sweaty feeling (I'm beginning to feel the symptoms of.menopause already). My gastrointestinal issues are gone. The weight loss is just the bonus. I've lost 10 lbs while I was in the 10 day plan, and 2 more after. I don't have any more sugar craving, and my taste buds have been trained to eat mostly fruits and vegetables. I have been asked multiple times what's my protein source, as we have become a nation of proteinaholics, but I'm positive that my new diet of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds are the way to a better health! I have discovered what foods bother me. So it's either I eat only a small amount that won't bother me, or just not to eat that certain food at all.I've mentioned above that it was difficult at first, so I want to share with you some tips.1. You will buy a lot of produce and it will fill your refrigerator. I have a family of 5, and of course I have to shop for them as well. I only bought 5-7 days worth of produce and if I know that my family will eat what's on the guide for that day, I cooked extra for my family as well.2. For me, day 3 and 4 are the worst as far as the headaches occurring while you are first starting. But come day 5,I have so much energy! I used to have migraine headaches, but now they're gone! I took some time from work, as I work full time. So I was at home when I have all the headaches from detoxing from sugar. Oh but it's all worth it. Like I said above, my taste buds have been trained that even in my workplace where there's treats in the lunch room all the time, I just don't have the desire For them anymore.3. Juicing will take time to cut and prepare the fruits and vegetables. I do my grocery shopping on the weekends and I juice all my juices for the week. I put the ones that I will not drink from day 3 onwards in the freezer, and just take it out the day before to defrost. Saves the space in my refrigerator too.4. It seems like you have a bigger grocery bill at first. But after eliminating the treats from my shopping cart, and since we're eating less meat now, as I have discovered new recipes that my family likes too, I didn't have to add money to my grocery budget. I only added about 25% to my food budget when I was on the 10 day plan, but now it's just the same.5. There are days when I don't feel hungry, but I feel like I need to eat something more substantial. Like I said you will get to know yourself. Even when I was on the 10 day plan, I eat a banana, or some nuts, or an avocado. I felt like I was so cold at times. I will add some soup on those days to warm me up. I'd honestly say that I didn't follow the 10-day strictly, but like I said you will get to know yourself. I got all those good side effects anyway still.I was blessed to be given a centrifugal juicer by a co-worker that is buying a new juicer. So I didn't have to buy a juicer to begin with. I have already given a copy of this book to her as a gift. She says that the recipes in this book had taken her juicing to a whole new level. By the way, I know some of the reviewers would say that they can find the recipes online for free. All the recipes in this book are delicious. I have to decrease the amount of celery to the juices that call for them, as those are the ones that tastes like "grass" to me. I have tried a few recipes from their website, but sad to say I don't find them delicious at all. So for now I will stick with the recipes that are in this book. There's a lot of juicing recipes in this book anyway, that I didn't find them boring even if I'm already in the 2nd month of incorporating juicing in my life.This book is good overall. I'm glad that they published this book, as I don't have to pay a huge amount for their guided reboot. I'm pretty much a diy-er in topics like these, and I'm the type who don't want to spend so much for things I can do on my own like this. Like I said it will change your life!
The book it’s self is intresting. However, I have it three stars because I personally purchased it for recipes and their just aren’t many. However, if you are new to juicing, the information is helpful and the stories are inspiring!
Lucky me scored an advanced copy and talk about a motivational speaker, Joe exudes inspiration without repeating himself over and over. I watched the movie 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' for free on Amazon Prime (beats Netflix) and subscribe to Joe's free eMail newsletter but this is the first time I've paid for anything he has written and the $ is well worth it. This book offers much more than the 'Reboot With Joe' website and blogs where you can sign up for some inexpensive personal coaching and he hosts frequent mini challenges that you can follow along for free. I've done 3 reboots in the last few years, my first was for 10 days, the second was 2 weeks and the third was 3 weeks and I continue to do occasional weekend reboots. Reading the book is a perfect first step to gear up mentally and prepare yourself for what's to come. The first 3 days can be a bit difficult for some people because you want to chew something but you have to remember to drink plenty of fluid and keep yourself occupied with healthy thoughts. Wine lovers beware, grapes are a fruit and are allowed as juice, however, wine is not. It's a good idea to give up alcohol for at least several days before you start a reboot and flush that alcohol sugar out of your system or you may get overly sensitive and moody. Read the book and the blogs and gear up for your reboot, I guarantee you will be walking on clouds after day 3 and your steps will get lighter every day thereafter. New rebooters may hit a plateau after day 7-10 but you could easily go another 10 days if you keep your perspective. The weight will melt off and you will be inspired to continue but listen to Joe's sound advice about checking with your doctor. I have never had a problem on a juice only reboot as long as I gear up mentally to prepare and this book will certainly help you to prepare and keep you inspired. The 'Mean Green' is a great concoction and you get a lot of juice out of a few ribs of celery, a green apple, cucumber and kale (lemon and ginger optional). That delivers a watery consistency but if you need something a bit more filling you can blend in some avocado (don't juice avacado, add your juice to a blender and blend in the avocado). If you've seen the movie "Thomas Crown Affair" with Rene Russo, this was her green drink! Now you know why she looked so fantastic, you will too. Your eyes will become sparkling clear, your skin will return to silky smooth and your tongue clean and pink,like a baby (not kidding) if you hang in there and Joe gives you enough inspiration plus numerous links to his reboot site for more recipes and motivational blogs to cheer you on. Be careful breaking a juice fast, I broke my 3 week fast with pineapple and my mouth was burning with acidic overload because I was so cleaned out. All the advice in this book is very well written and so true, take it from one whose 'been there done that' this is the only detox, cleanse, juice bible ... you will need to get going and stay motivatd. If you're like most rebooters, you will refer to this book over and over when you prepare for your future reboots because they feel so good and your senses are so heightened after a reboot, you will be back for another, even if it's just a weekend reboot.**** I am not a rep for this company, I pre-ordered the book as well as the Kindle edition and use both to reboot at least 3x/yr ... because rebooting DOES make me feel sooooo good that I literally GLOW!
While still fresh in my mind, I wanted to add my review to the list.I downloaded Joe Cross' book as I was considering doing his reboot program. Admittedly, his program is more involved than I thought so I'm going to do a somewhat modified version, though still following the outline of his program.Of his book, it's everything you could need and want to know about his reboot process. It's a tremendously healthy thing to do. To be sure, we should all be juicing on a regular basis, at least twice a day, even if not engaged in an official reboot. He explains his program very comprehensively. Not only the how, which is extremely detailed, but the why.For anyone even contemplating getting this book or doing a reboot, and watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" too, by all means, I highly recommend it. It's all you need to know to be successful at this process. Too, even if you don't do a reboot proper, many of the protocols he suggests need to be part of your daily lifestyle, not only on a reboot but as a long term healthful protocol. To be sure, you can't go wrong with the principles he presents.
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross PDF
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross EPub
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross Doc
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross iBooks
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross rtf
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross Mobipocket
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet — Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing: As seen in the hit film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead', by Joe Cross Kindle
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